Shattering the Great Doubt: The Chan Practice of Huatou

Autor: Sheng Yen

Huatou is a skillful method for breaking through the prison of mental habits into the spacious mind of enlightenment. The huatou is a confounding question much like a Zen koan. Typical ones are “What is wu [nothingness]?” or “What was my original face before birth-and-death?” But a huatou is unlike a koan in that the aim is not to come up with an answer. The practice is simple: ask yourself your huatou relentlessly, in meditation as well as in every other activity. Don’t give up on it; don’t try to think your way to an answer. Resolve to live with the sensation of doubt that arises, and it will pervade your entire existence with a sense of profound wonder, ultimately leading to the shattering of the sense of an independent self.

Shattering the Great Doubt: The Chan Practice of Huatou

Comienza tu viaje hacia una existencia llena de serenidad y propósito. El zen no es solo una filosofía, sino una actitud para abrazar el bienestar y la plenitud que siempre anhelaste. En Tómatelo Zen encontrarás un camino para crear tu propia paz interior a través de prácticos consejos y técnicas de manejo emocional, obtendrás las herramientas para enriquecer tu corazón.