Swampland Flowers: The Letters and Lectures of Zen Master Ta Hui

Autor: J.C. Cleary

The writings of the twelfth-century Chinese Zen master Ta Hui are as immediately accessible as those of any contemporary teacher, and this book, which introduced them to the English-speaking world in the 1970s, has become a modern classic—a regular feature of recommended reading lists for Zen centers across America, even though the book has become difficult to find. We are happy to make the book available again after more than a decade of scarcity.

Ta Hui addresses his remarks mainly to people in lay life and not to his fellow monks. Thus the emphasis throughout is on ways in which those immersed in worldly occupations can nevertheless learn Zen and achieve the liberation promised by the Buddha.

Swampland Flowers: The Letters and Lectures of Zen Master Ta Hui

Comienza tu viaje hacia una existencia llena de serenidad y propósito. El zen no es solo una filosofía, sino una actitud para abrazar el bienestar y la plenitud que siempre anhelaste. En Tómatelo Zen encontrarás un camino para crear tu propia paz interior a través de prácticos consejos y técnicas de manejo emocional, obtendrás las herramientas para enriquecer tu corazón.