The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 6th Edition

Autor: Philip Yampolsky

The Platform Sutra records the teachings of Hui-neng, the Sixth Patriarch, who is revered as one of the two great figures in the founding of Ch’an (Zen) Buddhism. This translation is the definitive English version of the eighth-century Ch’an classic.
Phillip B. Yampolsky has based his translation on the Tun-huang manuscript, the earliest extant version of the work. A critical edition of the Chinese text is given at the end of the volume.
Dr. Yampolsky also furnishes a lengthy and detailed historical introduction which contains much information hitherto unavailable even to scholars, and provides the context essential to an understanding of Hui-neng’s work. He gives an account of the history and legends of Ch’an Buddhism, with particular attention to the traditions associated with Hui-neng, quoting or summarizing the most important narratives. He then discusses the various texts of the Platform Sutra, and analyzes its contents.

The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 6th Edition

Comienza tu viaje hacia una existencia llena de serenidad y propósito. El zen no es solo una filosofía, sino una actitud para abrazar el bienestar y la plenitud que siempre anhelaste. En Tómatelo Zen encontrarás un camino para crear tu propia paz interior a través de prácticos consejos y técnicas de manejo emocional, obtendrás las herramientas para enriquecer tu corazón.