The Zen Monastic Experience

Autor: Robert E. Buswell

​Robert Buswell, a Buddhist scholar who spent five years as a Zen monk in Korea, draws on personal experience in this insightful account of day-to-day Zen monastic practice. In discussing the activities of the postulants, the meditation monks, the teachers and administrators, and the support monks of the monastery of Songgwang-sa, Buswell reveals a religious tradition that differs radically from the stereotype prevalent in the West. The author’s treatment lucidly relates contemporary Zen practice to the historical development of the tradition and to Korean history more generally, and his portrayal of the life of modern Zen monks in Korea provides an innovative and provocative look at Zen from the inside.

The Zen Monastic Experience

Comienza tu viaje hacia una existencia llena de serenidad y propósito. El zen no es solo una filosofía, sino una actitud para abrazar el bienestar y la plenitud que siempre anhelaste. En Tómatelo Zen encontrarás un camino para crear tu propia paz interior a través de prácticos consejos y técnicas de manejo emocional, obtendrás las herramientas para enriquecer tu corazón.