Trial and Error in Modernist Reforms: Korean Buddhism under Colonial Rule

Autor: Pori Park

The Journal of Korean Religions is the only English-language academic journal dedicated to the study of Korean religions. It aims to stimulate interest and research on Korean religions across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences and all other area-related fields. The journal (JKR) promotes international and inter-disciplinary communication among scholars to highlight both the particular and universal aspects of Korean religions. Launched in 2010 by the Institute for the Study of Religion at Sogang University in Korea, JKR is peer-reviewed and published twice yearly, in April and October.

Trial and Error in Modernist Reforms: Korean Buddhism under Colonial Rule

Comienza tu viaje hacia una existencia llena de serenidad y propósito. El zen no es solo una filosofía, sino una actitud para abrazar el bienestar y la plenitud que siempre anhelaste. En Tómatelo Zen encontrarás un camino para crear tu propia paz interior a través de prácticos consejos y técnicas de manejo emocional, obtendrás las herramientas para enriquecer tu corazón.